The Benefits of Proper Dental Health

Taking proper care of your teeth has many benefits. There are the appearance benefits. You can have whiter teeth with less discoloration of you brush and floss well and often. You will avoid permanent staining if you stay away from smoking, chewing tobacco, excessive wine drinking, and too much coffee or tea. Rinsing can remove food from in between your teeth throughout the day and leave you with fresher breath. Decay will be less if you limit the amount of sugar you eat and get enough calcium in your diet. Cleanings twice a year from a dental hygienist will also help keep your teeth strong and white.

Comfort benefits are realized in less time spent in the hygienist’s chair. If you are brushing and flossing, there is less tartar and plague that needs to be removed at cleanings. You will also not experience excessive pain from your teeth. A small cavity can be a little painful, but that is simple to fix. Root canals or decaying gums can cause severe pain and require more complicated procedures to correct. Treatments can be uncomfortable if they are extensive, even with Novocaine. Recovery can be painful as well.

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Cost benefits are, perhaps, the best motivation for taking care of your teeth. Preventative care, such as those cleanings every 6 months, is fairly inexpensive, even if you do not have dental insurance. Regular check ups are also reasonable in price and can fit into your budget annually. You can afford the routine care from Cheshire Dental Centre or anywhere else for that matter. Deep cleanings, filling many cavities, and whitening treatments will get expensive, even with insurance. More money is needed out of pocket if treatment for gum disease is warranted or if you need extractions and dentures. Dentures are not covered by insurance and they are expensive. You are looking at close to two thousand dollars for a full set of dentures.

Oral health is important for your overall health because decay and infections in the mouth lead to many other problems. You can develop digestion issues due to bacteria and poorly chewed food particles. Your throat and sinuses will become inflamed, subjecting you to more colds, flu, and pain. Acid and decay can promote diseases like oral cancer and periodontal disease. Take excellent care of your teeth and you will reap the benefits.